How do you feel about your ancestors?

How do you feel about your ancestors?

There’s a lot of romance about our ancestors at the moment. You could even call it fashionable. I’ve been at a number of events over the past years where group leaders have called in our ancestors. I understand the need and desire for this connection, and share it, and there is more nuance needed here.

There was a time not so long ago, when I couldn’t understand why anyone would want to connect with their ancestors. I would see courses or events promoted and shy away immediately. Then the time came when I saw a short course that I knew was for me, and so I jumped.

It was one of those situations where the gold came through a challenging experience.

There was beauty in that short course, but also not much awareness of safety, which is so important in dealing with the invisible worlds as it is in our everyday lives. 

There was beauty in that short course, but also not much awareness of safety, which is so important in dealing with the invisible worlds as it is in our everyday lives. continue reading ...

Without going into details of just how it unfolded, I went through one of the most energetically challenging times in my life, with the sheer number and amount of unwell ancestors seeking healing - and this is the difficult part - seeking it through my energy body.

It took me a while to regain some kind of integrity in my energy body after that. It also led me to learn about and synthesise other ways for setting the ground for true healing.

We don’t need to heal all the harms or unresolved lives of all our ancestors. We do have a part to play though, an important one.

Our role is to connect again, to be the living node for the healing of those of our family who have died but may not yet be well and resolved from their lifetime. It’s about connecting, and re-establishing and tending to the relationships with our wise and loving ancestral guides.

For many of us, particularly those from European backgrounds, many of the ways of connecting and tending to the dead have been lost for quite some time, which can mean there is much healing needed.

As with so many aspects of life, it’s about relationships

When I first connected to my mothers, mothers lineage and handed over the healing to them, I cracked open with the power of it. A huge weight lifted off me, and I felt a kind of love I’d never experienced before. I cried and cried, a real, from the earth kind of cry, of grief yes, but mostly of reunion. It was something I’d been longing for my whole life, and didn’t even know it was possible.

It was the first time I’d experience true elders with such power, love and wisdom. To let go something that was not mine to carry was such a relief.

The beauty of this reconnection is that some kind of balance and right relationship is restored as we engage with the wise ones as the elders they are, to tend to our relationship and let them fulfill their function in our human ecosystem.

To let that something inside us and in our culture that says we are an individual succeeding or struggling individually in this world, and allow ourselves to be held and supported in new ways.

It’s an unlearning and an unravelling as much as it is a reweaving.

Our ancestors are waiting for us. They’ve always been there. The question is, will we return to them?

And btw it’s a beautiful practice to call the ancestors in at an event. Just do it mindfully and be clear you are calling in the wise and loving guides. Words and intention matter.

Would you like some support to connect with your wise and loving ancestors and begin this healing journey?  Book your free 15 minute consultation to find out more and see whether it is a fit for you, or read more here

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